Booking a holiday with Gemini Walks is easy!

You can call us or email us for our free advice and knowledge on any aspect of your walking holiday before you book.
Please read our straightforward Terms & Conditions before booking




Once we have your booking we will:

Acknowledge your booking
Ask any relevant questions
Book your accommodation and any other requests

We will then contact you to advise that your booking is complete:

If you are happy with the booking we will ask you for a £50 deposit per person
The final balance is due 5 weeks before the start date of your walk
At this stage a comprehensive tour pack with full information on your walk including location details for your accommodations, local facilities, information leaflet and a Harvey Map will be posted to you

Payment methods:

Credit or Debit Card
Direct Bank transfer
Cheque made payable to Gemini Walks Ltd (UK clients only)